ModbusSim – Modbus TCP & Serial, Simulator (Slave)
Download link :
- (4shared)
- (Schneider Electric Box)
OPC Common Error Code
Berikut adalah kumpulan error yang sering terjadi ketika anda mencoba mengkoneksikan OPC client ke OPC Server, Error-error ini biasanya muncul pada sisi client dan beberapa error yang sudah diketahui tersedia solusi untuk penyelesaiannya yang bisa jadi ada pada sisi server maupun client.
HEX | Description | Solution |
0x80010108 | The object invoked has disconnected from its clients. | Re-initialize your OPC Server Connection. |
0x80040004 | There is no connection for this connection ID | |
0x80040005 | Need to run the object to perform this operation | |
0x80040007 | Uninitialized object | |
0x80040154 | Class not registered | The OPC Server, or a component needed to make the OPC connection is not registered with Windows. This may mean that you simply need to register a DLL or OCX file. |
0x80040155 | Interface not registered | The OPC Server does not support the interface that you are trying to connect to. Examples may include Item Browsing, Asynchronous I/O or OPC DA v2.x or 3.x interfaces etc. |
0x800401f3 | Invalid class string | The GUID/CLSID of the specified OPC Server is not valid. |
0x80040200 | -Unable to impersonate DCOM Client -Unknown OLE status code |
DCOM security problem, typically on the Client side. This error typically occurs when trying to specify a callback address for Asynchronous I/O. |
0x80040202 | Cannot Connect | Error typically occurs when a call is made to Advise on the connection point. This often means that OPCPROXY.DLL is not the same version on your different computers. |
0x80070002 | The system cannot find the file specified | Re-install your software. |
0x80070005 | Access is denied. | You need to configure your DCOM Security settings. See our DCOM Tutorial: |
0x80070057 | The parameter is incorrect. | The OPC Server has rejected your request, indicating that the parameter(s) you specified are not valid for the type of request being made. You will need more details on the actual OPC calls being made between the Client and Server. |
0x8007041d | The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. |
Specific to Windows Services. The service did not start within the allowed time-frame. This indicates an initialization problem with the Windows service |
0x800705b4 | This operation returned because the timeout period expired. |
This is a timeout. You may need to increase your timeout settings. |
0x800706ea | A floating-point underflow occurred at the RPC server. |
0x80070725 | Incompatible version of the RPC stub. |
0x80080005 | Server execution failed | There is a problem with the OPC Server preventing it from being started by Windows. This may be the result of file-permissions, DCOM Security permissions, or a lack of resources. |
0x80004002 | No such interface supported | The OPC Server does not support the interface that you are trying to connect to. Examples may include Item Browsing, Asynchronous I/O or OPC DA v2.x or 3.x interfaces etc. |
0x80004005 | Unspecified error | The most common message seen, that yields the least information. In these cases you often need to check the event-logs at your OPC Server for more information. |
0x8000401a | The server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect. Check the username and password. |
DCOM Configuration permissions. Modify the identity that the application should run under, perhaps specify a named account or choose “Interactive User’. |
0x800706ba | The RPC server is unavailable. |
The OPC Server could not be contacted. This is usually the result of a firewall blocking the application. |
Source: Indusoft Documentation
Jika anda pernah mendapatkan jenis error lain silahkan dishare di posting ini. Terimakasih
Water Tank PLC Control Simulation with Matlab Simulink
To play this simulation you need to have this item:
- Unity PRO S (minimum) / Unity Pro L /Unity Pro XL. Version 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 (I’m not provide the installer, you can find on another forum 1.5 Gb)
- Matlab 2012 / Matlab 2013 with simulink (I’m not provide the installer, you can find on another forum 6.5Gb)
- Modbus Ehternet OPC Server (Iconics) this is free OPC server, you don’t need to license the software
- Simulink Model, OPC Configuration(should be load from iconics modbus OPC Server)
PLC – Unity Pro XL, Set up project and configuration
Unity Pro XL adalah software yang digunakan untuk programming & konfigurasi PLC Schneider.
PLC yang di dukung oleh Unity Pro XL antara lain:
- M340
- Modicon Quantum
- Modicon Premium
- M580
Pada jenis PLC tersebut tidak semua processor/CPU pada PLC tersebut didukung oleh Unity, ada beberapa CPU yang didukung oleh ProWorks atau PL7
fitur dari Unity Pro:
- 5 IEC61131-3 languages + Legacy LL984
- Integrated conversion tools dari software Concept, Proworks, PL7 Pro
- FDT / DTM standard, untuk integrasi dengan field device
- Customizable integrated Function Block Library (DFB)
- PLC simulator on PC, Built-in test and diagnostic
- Animation tables, Operator Screens and Trending Tool
Database to OPC (Iconics DataWorX)
Pernahkah terpikirkan ketika anda mengintegrasikan sebuah sistem baru dengan existing system yang berbeda teknologi? misalkan ketika anda akan mengintegrasikan plant yang akan di monitoring yang salah satu system didalamnya menggunakan database sebagai penyimpanan data dan tidak memiliki services seperti OPC? namun anda perlu menampilkannya pada HMI? berikut ini bisa jadi sebuah solusi untuk anda..
Intellimax – HMI REVIEW
Intellimax merupakan salah satu produk HMI, yang menawarkan fitur unggulannya yaitu web based HMI. Intellimax merupakan produk dari Sensys yang memiliki head office di houston USA. fitur web based apakah yang ditawarkan oleh intellimax?
Trik mencari modbus register
Anda pernah mengalami kesulitan ketika mencari register address dari device modbus yang datasheetnya sudah hilang atau susah ditemukan di internet, atau merek yang jarang dipakai banyak orang? maka jika anda memilki software untuk membaca data pengukuran dari device tersebut maka anda masih ada kesempatan untuk mengetahui registernya. READ MORE
GENESIS32 merupakan produk HMI buatan dari ICONICS, Inc. yang seperti kebanyakan HMI lainnya yaitu untuk memudahkan engineer membuat aplikasi untuk memonitoring, mengendalikan, dan berkomunikasi pada alat/instrument atau controller atau pada komputer lainnya.
Pengukuran Flow Gas (AGA-3 & AGA-8)
AGA atau American Gas Association adalah sebuah asosiasi yang berkecimpung untuk standard, metode, dan kalkulasi dalam pengukuran Gas. berikut adalah algoritma yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan perhitungan flow gas yang melewati Orifice.
Faulty Measurement Analysis
Faulty Measurment – atau Error in Measurement – Kesalahan Pengukuran
Adalah sebuah kesalahan dalam pengukuran dalam alat ukur (yang telah terkalibrasi) akibat faktor eksternal atau internal dari alat ukur itu sendiri. (yang kali ini akan dibahas untuk faktor eksternal, terutama pada power quality input)
Penyebab kesalahan pengukuran dapat terjadi dari berbagai sebab yaitu:
Internal :
- Nilai yang diukur diluar jangkauan alat (Out of range)
- Batasan alat (Device Limitation) misal: Input Voltage, Environment Temperature (Suhu Lingkungan), Humidity, dll
- Instrument Error (Alat ukur error/rusak)
External (Electricity):
- Noise Input Voltage (Spike Voltage)
- Harmonik
- Unstable Voltage
- Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) atau juga biasa disebut RFI (Radio Frequency Interference)
Pengklasifikasian tesebut (Internal dan Eksternal) merupakan klasifikasi berdasarkan input (Rifqi Imanto,2011)
Sedangkan berdasarkan paper “Error in Measurement” oleh Sunil Kumar Singh,2007 kesalahan pengukuran diklasifikasikan ditinjau dari output measurement sebagai Systematic Error dan Random Error. Dimana Systematic Error berelasi dengan Akurasi sedangkan Random Error berelasi dengan Presisi.
Systematic Error: Instrument Error, Procedural Error
Random Error: Least count error, Mean value error READ MORE
Modbus Exception Codes
Modbus Exception Codes adalah sebuah reply dari slave ketika kita mengQuery ke slave.
susunan Frame nya sebagai berikut:
[Slave Address] [Function Code Exception] [Error Code] [CRC1] [CRC2]
Function Code Exception:
merupakan “exception code” dari “function code” yang kita query kan ke Slave
ketika kita merequest Funtion code 03 (Read Holding Register) maka exception code-nya adalah 83
ketika kita merequest Funtion code 06 (Write Multiple Register) maka exception code-nya adalah 86
Berikut adalah tabelnya:
Function Code in Request |
Function Code in Exception Response |
01 (01 hex) 0000 0001 |
129 (81 hex) 1000 0001 |
02 (02 hex) 0000 0010 |
130 (82 hex) 1000 0010 |
03 (03 hex) 0000 0011 | 131 (83 hex) 1000 0011 |
04 (04 hex) 0000 0100 |
132 (84 hex) 1000 0100 |
05 (05 hex) 0000 0101 | 133 (85 hex) 1000 0101 |
06 (06 hex) 0000 0110 | 134 (86 hex) 1000 0110 |
15 (0F hex) 0000 1111 | 143 (8F hex) 1000 1111 |
16 (10 hex) 0001 0000 | 144 (90 hex) 1001 0000 |
Error Code:
merupakan pesan error yang ingin disampaikan oleh slave terdiri seperti pada tabel dibawah:
Code | Name | Description |
01 | ILLEGAL FUNCTION | The function code received in the query is not an allowable action for the slave |
02 | ILLEGAL DATA ADDRESS | The data address received in the query is not an allowable address fror the slave |
03 | ILLEGAL DATA VALUE | A value contained in the query data field in not an allowabel value for the slave. |
04 | SLAVE DEVICE FAILURE | An unrecoverable error occurred while the savel was attempting to execute the requested action |
05 | ACKNOWLEDGE | The slave has accpeted the request and is processing it, but a long duration of time is required to do so. |
06 | SLAVE DEVICE BUSY | The slave is engaged in a long duration command. |
07 | NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT | The slave cannot perform the program function received I the query |
08 | MEMORY PARITY ERROR | The slave attempted to read extended memory, but detected a a parity error on the memory |
Atau yang lebih lengkap:
Exception Code |
Name |
Meaning |
01 |
Illegal |
The function code received in the query is not an allowable action for the slave. This may be because the function code is only applicable to newer devices, and was not implemented in the unit selected. It could also indicate that the slave is in the wrong state to process a request of this type, for example because it is unconfigured and is being asked to return register values. If a Poll Program Complete command was issued, this code indicates that no program function preceded it. |
02 |
Illegal Data Address |
The data address received in the query is not an allowable address for the slave. More specifically, the combination of reference number and transfer length is invalid. For a controller with 100 registers, a request with offset 96 and length 4 would succeed, a request with offset 96 and length 5 will generate exception 02. |
03 (03 hex) |
Illegal Data Value | A value contained in the query data field is not an allowable value for the slave. This indicates a fault in the structure of remainder of a complex request, such as that the implied length is incorrect. It specifically does NOT mean that a data item submitted for storage in a register has a value outside the expectation of the application program, since the MODBUS protocol is unaware of the significance of any particular value of any particular register. |
04 |
Slave Device Failure |
An unrecoverable error occurred while the slave was attempting to perform the requested action. |
05 (05 hex) |
Acknowledge | Specialized use in conjunction with programming commands. The slave has accepted the request and is processing it, but a long duration of time will be required to do so. This response is returned to prevent a timeout error from occurring in the master. The master can next issue a Poll Program Complete message to determine if processing is completed. |
06 (06 hex) |
Slave Device Busy | Specialized use in conjunction with programming commands. The slave is engaged in processing a long-duration program command. The master should retransmit the message later when the slave is free.. |
07 (07 hex) |
Negative Acknowledge | The slave cannot perform the program function received in the query. This code is returned for an unsuccessful programming request using function code 13 or 14 decimal. The master should request diagnostic or error information from the slave. |
08 (08 hex) |
Memory Parity Error | Specialized use in conjunction with function codes 20 and 21 and reference type 6, to indicate that the extended file area failed to pass a consistency check. The slave attempted to read extended memory or record file, but detected a parity error in memory. The master can retry the request, but service may be required on the slave device. |
10 (0A hex) |
Gateway Path Unavailable | Specialized use in conjunction with gateways, indicates that the gateway was unable to allocate an internal communication path from the input port to the output port for processing the request. Usually means the gateway is misconfigured or overloaded. |
11 (0B hex) |
Gateway Target Device Failed to Respond | Specialized use in conjunction with gateways, indicates that no response was obtained from the target device. Usually means that the device is not present on the network. |
Instrument Wellhead Compressor
Wellhead Compressor merupakan compressor yang dipasang di wellhead yang digunakan untuk menarik gas dan mengkompresi dan dikirim ke plant.
Flow Measurement and Calculation
Dalam pengukuran Flow (Fluida) berbagai metode dapat dilakukan untuk mengetahui laju aliran dalam sebuah pipa.
Metode 1 – Pengukuran Laju Aliran – Menggunakan baling-baling
Gambar.1 Baling-baling
Menggunakan Modbus Slave Multiple RTU
Modbus Slave Multiple RTU merupakan software yang berfungsi sebagai simulator pengganti PLC/Transmitter berbasis modbus. Jadi software ini menjadi PLC “Dummy” yang berisikan register-register modbus (Holding Register, Input Register, Status Register, dan Coil Register). Register tersebut dapat diakses menggunakan serial port dengan menggunakan PLC ataupun Komputer lain yang berfungsi sebagai HMI. Kegunaannya adalah untuk menggantikan PLC sebenarnya agar ketika membuat HMI akan lebih praktis ketika mencoba mengakses register. Kelebihan utama software ini yaitu dapat menjadi beberapa “dummy” sekaligus. cocok untuk membuat HMI pada SCADA system yang memiliki banyak RTU agar lebih praktis tidak memerlukan menggunakan banyak PLC yang sebenarnya.
Belajar PLC – Allen Bradley (AB) bag.I
Allen-Bradley atau biasa disingkat AB adalah brand name dari sebuah perusahaan manufaktur peralatan otomasi yaitu Rockwell Automation. Awalnya perusahaan ini memiliki nama Compression Rheostat Company oleh Lynde Bradley dan Dr. Stanton Allen pada tahun 1903 dan pada tahun 1910 berubah nama menjadi Allen-Bradley Company yang kemudia pada tahun 1985 Rockwell International (sekarang Rockwell Automation) membeli Allen-Bradley dengan 1.651 milyar USD.
PLC SCADAPack – Telepace (untuk pemula) Bag.I
SCADAPack Merupakan PLC keluaran perusahaan Canada bernama Control Microsystem, yang saat ini telah di akuisisi oleh Schneider Electric (sebuah perusahaan german). PLC SCADAPack menggunakan Ladder untuk programmingnya, untuk membuat ladder tersebut Control Microsystems menyediakan software gratis bernama Telepace.